“The film touches a nerve in today’s world, particularly surrounding events like what happened last year in Charlottesville.””
“What did this film mean to me? That’s a complicated question. I’m white. Very white. When I get a suntan, I finally look the part of an average Caucasian male - even though I’m actually eighty percent native American. My whole life, without even thinking, I would always describe myself as white...With one figurative check mark through a box, I’ve embodied everything Eli Steele questions in this film... ‘How Jack Became Black’ is disturbing simply by the fact that so many of us are doing this, or not seeing the harm.””
“How Jack Became Black is passionately argued and compassionate at heart. Taking no side in recent political tensions where racial prejudice continues to be a hot topic (this is, after all, Trump’s America), Steele opts instead to speak of us as human beings rather than designated racial definitions and his film is illuminating, stimulating and a constantly thought provoking watch, which shatters the dogmatic system of turning race into box ticking.””
“But if classifying people by race was poison, how could it also be the cure for what ailed our country?””
“What ‘How Jack Became Black’ does achieve is getting its audience to think about and answer the difficult questions and whether you lean to the left or to the right of the political spectrum, Steele’s film should not be missed.””
Eli Steele discusses new documentary ‘How Jack Became Black’ with Good Day LA on Fox 11. For a version with closed captions please click here.
“Steele’s film is essentially one giant trip down the proverbial rabbit hole. A trip where he doesn’t sugar coat or allude to anything. It’s all right in your face. Black and white, pardon the pun.””
“I am often asked if I am ashamed of my black race because I identify as all of who I am. I am also asked if I pass for white. My response is to tell my questioner to really listen to what I am saying, which is that I am black and Jewish. I’m not denying anything or passing for anything. I am stating what I am. And by saying this, I am very aware that I am also saying something else: I refuse to be defined by the one drop of black blood rule.””
“How Jack Became Black is a mesmerizing and chilling experience, one that should help shape a growing national conversation.””
“Steele’s documentary is a refreshing take on one of the controversial theories that divide America.””
How does America's longstanding preoccupation with race and identity affect our politics? Documentarian Eli Steele's new film "How Jack Became Black" explores just that, analyzing identity politics in America while drawing from Steele's own life experiences coming from a multiracial family.
Are you ready for a fearless discussion on identity politics and race? Including from those who may not agree with the film? Watch the robust panel discussion that took place after New Trier Neighbors' March 5 screening of Eli Steele's acclaimed documentary "How Jack Became Black" at New Trier's Cornog Auditorium.
Eli Steele discusses his film.
“Why have we allowed ‘what’ a person is to matter more than ‘who’ a person is? The race boxes themselves are meaningless. What gives these boxes their meaning are the powers behind the boxes.””
“An excellent documentary that will require you to do some critical thinking.””
“This is a must see documentary. It will change the way you see things.””
“I think what the film does well is it asks good questions. He’s asking, ‘Why the boxes? Why do we need so many boxes?’””
“ multiracial identity was far more than ‘black and Jewish.’ It was also marked by the principles of freedom, equality, love, and the pursuit of a greater humanity beyond racial labels.””
“The greatest irony for me was that while this company professed to encourage a ‘variety of thought/ opinion,’ it practiced the opposite. These types of hypocrisies are one of the underlying reasons for why I made ‘How Jack Became Black.’””
“What if you’re a Drake type kid who was raised by his Jewish mother? What if you’re a person who identifies equally with both side of your lineage? Why do you need to be more of one than the other?””
Filmmaker Eli Steele joins the Stephanie Trussell Show on Chicago's legendary station. Listen here.
“I think as a multiracial you often encounter situations in the business world where how you chose to identify racially reflects on you. Because we come from two or more races, we can make people nervous. Where do my racial loyalties lie? Which race am I more of?””
“How Jack Became Black gives a chilling insight into the practical consequences of identity politics, where individuality may take a backseat to racial stereotypes.””
“...a new film that explores one filmmaker’s challenge to rise above Identity Politics and hold on to his individuality.””
For FOX6 News article, click here.
“‘There’s no evidence that checking a box — whether it’s one box or multiple boxes — no evidence that it’s making any changes in society,’ Jaskolski said. He also said he’s not denying his race as some have argued — but embracing both.””
“Being in a (race) box, what is it doing? To me it’s making everything even more divided.””
Click here for the full Take A Knee podcast.
“(The film) hit home on so many levels for me…very eye-opening.””
“‘How Jack Became Black’ demolishes Identity Politics.””
“Very powerful…and everyone should see this film.””
“‘How Jack Became Black’ may have one questioning what box they fit into and how they came to fit into it. Are we ready for such a conversation in these turbulent political times?” ”
“It is a fascinating (and disturbing) exploration of the contemporary subordination of the individual to careerist bureaucracies and anti-humanist orthodoxies.””
“A stuntman, an actor, and a documentarian sit for a free for all discussion on ‘How Jack Became Black’””
“This film is a wonderful exploration into the reality multiracial people deal with in identifying with the different cultures that make up their ancestral background….What I find interesting about his film making it that he is deaf. While this is not a topic of his latest film, it intrigued me to know how it impacts his filmmaking style...””
“Documentary filmmaker Eli Steele sits with host Aling Zhang in Los Angeles California to discuss his newly released documentary film ‘How Jack Became Black.’” ”